Smite Update Notes

Smite is updated to current version of the game and I fixed ward reveal!
The game does occlude wards just like buff ESP unless you are within a ruler distance-ish. Once the ward is loaded into the memory of the mini-map, it won’t vanish until it expires. Unfortunately the occlusion messes with the 3D world reveal so it’s only visible while you remain in that chunk of the world and don’t unload the data by moving away. It works like minecraft chunk loading and unloading basically but much shorter range. Valorant does the same thing and CSGO tries this as well.

During the past two months smite has release multiple title updates that drastically changed the offsets each time. During one of these updates I noticed ward reveal on the 3D world was no longer functional and have looked into fixing it off / on. I became very sick IRL around this time and haven’t been able to put the time into fixing it. Other features remain functional. I am still recovering while also taking fast track college classes so as this website is my hobby rather than full time commitment, updates have slowed down since June.

Bellow is the order of operations I’ve been following while busy. As such, Smite cheat requires an update as of the update after 10.8
Will work on that after 2042.

  1. Keep main features functional

  2. bug fixes

  3. Learn why 3D ward reveal failed.

    1. Fix it.


2042 Radar: Visibility Checks