Reduced sigma on all firearms
Map auto updates intelligence as if you had a radio but at greater frequency (Doesn’t work while operating some vehicle types)
Discord Webhook message of player name near you. Handles rate limits and has error checking on replies to avoid stoppages.
Infinite Stamina - Swimming (possibly patched in WC119)
Sprint Speed while walking or carrying large item (WC 119 patched my method)
No encumbrance on inventory (new method from WC 119)
Infinite Fuel of driving vehicles -> Custom system that records proper capacity of fuel prior to mods, allowing for restoration of original which allows you to actually refuel it. This what the “Reset Fuel” button does.
Car-Insurance -> drive disabled vehicles but NOTE, their health isn’t changed, you’ll still die super fast
Clean-Boots -> Removed muddy negative movement debuff on soldier
Speed Hack up to 1.4x speed with no rubber-banding if you have stable internet. If your ping is big or drops packets, you’ll rubber band.
Reveal all 3D world renders of players and vehicles through walls and fog of war
Player ESP -> Name, Health, Filled Circle marker
Vehicle ESP -> Name, Health, Armor, Distance
Lock or Unlock all vehicles within render distance that are not claimed or locked by another player
Camera zoom tool
Panic Button disables everything and saves the settings, Restore loads the save settings
Clear vehicle button deletes the pointer to the current vehicle on our client’s copy, which can in some cases, fix infinite fuel glitches.