SSDMA Progress Update

SSDMA Loader System DOWN.

Loader patch required on all cheats. Will fix them in this order: Smite -> Squad -> cs2

I’ve dumped SMITE and began updating the offsets of SSDMA v1 SMITE. At this time, I will not be rewriting smite onto the new framework because all my time has been put into making a safe injector for counter strike 2 along with adding features to the legit cheat internal I’ve been working on. Source2 engine uses a schema system that source1 did not have. Due to this, it’s a bit slow for me learn how the game works as I’ve never worked on a game like this. Counter Strike 2 is also using google’s protobuf framework to command majority of the game’s player data with the server. I’ve never used protobuf before so it’s going to be a long road.

  1. Aimbot properly evade AI scanning for linear movements or near perfect angle transitional lengths. I have tested several ideas for this but ran into some edge cases that causes those ideas to be failed. I will continue to work toward this goal nonetheless.

  2. ESP for dropped items and thrown utilities.

  3. Custom UI for menu… Typically I wouldn’t even bother doing this but I feel like for CounterStrike it’s practically mandatory due to customer expectations built up over years of cheats existing.

Expect SSDMA v1 SMITE to be functional by end of day August 3 2024 unless something drastic has changed that I didn’t find yet.


Smite Stability Test


Indica Evolved Updated