Indica Evolved Alpha Testing

Finished the framework V2 for my DMA cheats and applied it to Squad. I’ve got a working build that suffers no crashing from my 50 hours of testing in game. ESP is streamed from 2nd PC over OBS NDI plugin to my game PC OBS. I play on a preview full screen projector window overlayed (click through) onto Squad borderless window. Yes there is delay BUT it’s more than serviceable. Assuming you have a fuser, I can try to make that happen but I do not own a fuser.
Current Features:

  • Player ESP Box, scales with distance & shows distance in text

  • Structure ESP

  • Speed hack

  • weapon rotation sliders on menu to change firing direction (shoot around walls or behind you)

  • Magic Man (like minecraft freecam but more linear & you can still shoot)

  • FOV slider from 1 to 120

  • Infinite Ammo for all soldier held guns & launchers

  • Fast fire-rate for all soldier held guns

Further research into other features is planned but it’s possible they’ve been patched. Vehicle ESP isn’t something I’m doing at this time as explained in my reddit post, quote bellow. I do have a working vehicle esp feature but the FPS on overlay is abysmal because it’s not streamlined and the humvees are again, missed entirely on the entity list even with zero filters being used. 2 different dev teams at OWI have worked on Squad over the years, I believe the humvee vehicles were patched into the game in a non-standard way compared to how the old dev team patched the game.

Vehicle filtering from V6.0 is no longer possible to do externally the way my partner used to. I've spent 1 week trying various static values to determine vehicles and did find a way to filter all fighting vehicles however I never found how to include non armed vehicles in that. The game has updated so much that every single way that used to work that I'm aware of does not.
The Humvees are the only Entity that can't be found on the whole training map.
For this reason, I'm going to just say "get fucked no vehicle ESP" for now.


CS2 Radar Alpha Testing


2042 Discontinued with EAAC