Payday 3 Internal Testing

Chams work fine, you don’t eve have to write them a lot. It’s not frequently updated by the server or client.

Next up I’m attempting weapon modding because the grind in this game is excruciatingly slow.

No graphics hooking!

I have ran into a massive graphical artifacting issue with DX12 and AMD gpu drivers. No idea what my major issue is here but after 3+ days of troubleshooting, I’m deciding to just use kebinds + the console window as the menu. There will be no graphical hooking. It’s a waste of time anyways as the game uses engine rendering via functions I can call on most things that matter.

Enemy filtering is basically done, currently I only implemented “enemy AI cops” as a whole to be shown on chams but technically I can refine it down more with toggle options. I don’t see the purpose of this with my current game knowledge though.

Speedhack is not possible anyway I’m aware of, it’s all server-side checked extensively. Almost nothing is client-side in PD3. The only thing I seem to be able to manipulate is the chams on AI so far. I saw some proof from last year that weapon stats are client-side at least in singleplayer mode. I have no proof that it’s currently working or works online.

I am hoping to make a BLT type mod like in PD2 that just lets casuals like myself enjoy loud gameplay easier in singleplayer & online. I do not want anything I make to be largely disruptive. Typically that’s a self solving issue with singleplayer only mods.


PD3 - LickTheGuns 1.2.2


Foxhole Beta Ended - LogiBuddy Finalized